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Job Search and Interviews can cause Anxiety

How many of you have applied for a job, you study for it, prepare yourself for it, but when it comes to the interview, do you suddenly feel nervous? You know you're not the only one. Millions of people Men and Women both struggle with this very thing. It can be very intimidating to get a job. It is normal to feel nervous before and during a job interview. It's the thought that your job, your career is basically in the hands of the interviewer, you have no control of the conversation, you don't always know what the questions will be. If you ever feel this way, there are some tips on how you can calm yourself even during the interview. For instance, Don't speak too fast. Nerves tend to make us speed up, so while you're waiting for your interview, breathe in through your nose very slowly for a count of three. Also, stop yourself from shaking. Simply squeeze your buttocks or your thigh muscles. It's almost physically impossible to have shaky hands if your buttocks or thighs are clenched. Don't worry most clothes will completely mask your actions. This will help you feel and appear more confident. But one thing to always remember the most important thing when being in a job interview is being yourself. If we are being ourselves when meeting other people, we will come across as relaxed, authentic and confident. Try to use words you usually use. And also, don't be so hard on yourself. Believe in all your will that you DO have what it takes to get whatever job you are after. And don't let anyone tell you what you can or can not do in life. You are capable of so many great and wondrous things. Hope you enjoyed this. And I hope this helps anyone preparing for what seems to be a very scary interview. ~Kyndra

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